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Obligation of Vocational Training Certification for Certain Employees
Obligation of Vocational Training Certification for Certain Employees
According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 6331, it is mandatory for employees who will work in certain jobs to receive vocational training and to have the relevant professional competence certification. In this context, the procedures and principles of the vocational training of those who will be employed in hazardous and very dangerous...
How Should Annual Leave Request Be Made?
How Should Annual Leave Request Be Made?
One of the rights regulated in the Turkish Labour Code No. 4857, which is the primary law of Turkish Labour Law, is the right to annual paid leave. The employee can submit his annual leave request to the employer verbally or in written form. The Turkish Labour Code No. 4857 does not specify any way...
Difference Between Annual Paid Leave and Unpaid Leave Rights of Workers
Difference Between Annual Paid Leave and Unpaid Leave Rights of Workers
Workers’ rights to paid and unpaid leave are issues that are frequently confused in practice. Although they are often used interchangeably in practice, paid leave and unpaid leave are fundamentally different in accordance with the Turkish Labour Law. Annual paid leave, as defined in the Labour Code No. 4857, refers to the leave periods that...
How is the annual leave entitlement of a retired employee to be calculated?
How is the annual leave entitlement of a retired employee to be calculated?
One of the rights defined for workers in the Turkish Labour Code No. 4857 is the right to annual paid leave. Accordingly, workers who have worked in the workplace for at least one year have the right to annual leave between 14 and 26 days, depending on their seniority, the job they do and their...
Rules for Annual Paid Leave Application According to the Turkish Labour Law
Rules for Annual Paid Leave Application According to the Turkish Labour Law
According to the Turkish Labour Law, there are some rules regarding the implementation of annual paid leave. These rules can be summarised as follows:   Prohibition on working during annual leave The right to annual paid leave cannot be waived, and even if the employee wishes to work during the annual leave period, the annual...
Calculation of Wages for the Annual Paid Leave Periods
Calculation of Wages for the Annual Paid Leave Periods
The employer is obliged to pay in cash and in advance the wage for the annual leave period to each employee who uses annual paid leave, before the relevant employee starts his or her leave. In the calculation of this wage, the wages received for overtime, premiums, the wages and social benefits received by workers...
Implementation of annual paid leave according to the Turkish Labour Law
Implementation of annual paid leave according to the Turkish Labour Law
In line with the Turkish Labour Code No. 4857, annual paid leave cannot be divided by the employer. The main reason for this prohibition on division is to prevent the employee’s annual leave right from being divided and rendered meaningless. Annual leave must be granted continuously by the employer within the periods determined according to...
How is the Severance Period Based on Annual Leave Calculated?
How is the Severance Period Based on Annual Leave Calculated?
In order for workers subject to the Labour Code No. 4857 to be entitled to annual paid leave, their seniority at the workplace must be at least one year. Annual paid leave is granted to workers who have worked for at least one year, starting from the day they started working at the workplace, including the...
Calculation of Annual Leave Rights of Employees
Calculation of Annual Leave Rights of Employees
The Turkish Labour Law has given the right for annual paid leave for workers within some certain conditions. Although, as a general practice, leave periods are determined by individual or collective labour agreements, the Turkish Labour Law has determined a minimum level for annual leave periods that vary depending on the employee’s seniority and the...

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