Covered Contingencies:
– Heath care
– Sickness benefit, through social insurance institution (SGK)
– Unemployment benefit, through social insurance institution (SGK and
Employment Agency)
– Employment injury benefit, through social insurance institution (SGK)
– Maternity benefits, through social insurance institution (SGK)
– Old-age benefits, through social insurance institution (SGK)
– Invalidity benefits, through social insurance institution (SGK)
– Survivors’ benefits, through social insurance institution (SGK)
Are there provisions for maternity protection: pre, during and post natal care,
income replacement during maternity leave? Maternity leave lasts 16 weeks,
eight weeks before the birth and eight after. In the case of a multiple pregnancy
(twins or more), maternity leave is increased to 18 weeks (Art. 15. Social Insurance
and Universal Health Insurance Law).
Prescribed qualification procedure (maternity): The worker must have
contributed 120 days within the twelve months before the birth (Art. 16. Social
Insurance and Universal Health Insurance Law).
Are the dependents of domestic workers covered? Yes. Dependents may be
unmarried children less than 18 years old; or less than 20 years old if receiving
education in high schools; or under 25 years old if receiving in higher education;
unmarried children determined to be disabled or the spouse (Art. 3. Social Insurance
and Universal Health Insurance Law).
Social Security Institution (Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu, SGK) managed by a general
assembly, board of directors, and president, administers the program.
Employment Agency administers the unemployment program.
Ministry of Labor and Social Security provides general supervision.