

September 16, 2024

The Turkish Constitutional Court, the highest body of the Turkish Judicial System, has an important role in protecting and securing fundamental rights and freedoms in Türkiye. The right of individual application, which entered into force in 2010, allows individuals to apply to the Turkish Constitutional Court when they believe that their fundamental rights and freedoms...

September 14, 2024

Apprenticeship and traineeship periods provide an important opportunity for young people to discover their professions, investigate into their affinities, show their potential and gain work experience. The apprenticeship system maintains its importance as an effective and participatory education model for individuals who aim to gain competence in a profession. However, during these periods, issues such...

September 13, 2024

The basic rules regarding state support and incentives to be provided for investments in Türkiye are determined by the Decree on State Aid in Investments which is published in the Turkish Official Gazette dated 19.06.2012 and numbered 28328. The main sub-legislation text determining the application principles of the aforimentioned decree is the Communiqué on the...

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