Work Accidents and Social Security Rights in Turkey

November 13, 2023by Bünyamin Esen0

In Turkey, employees who are involved in a work accident are entitled to certain social security rights designed to protect their well-being and provide financial support during their recovery. In-line with the Social Insurance and General Healthcare Insurance Act No. 5510, employees are being protected against work accidents and occupational diseases. The Turkish government has established a comprehensive social security system to ensure that workers receive the necessary benefits when accidents occur in the workplace.

The rights of employees who are involved in a work accident can be summarized as follows:

  1. Occupational Health and Safety: Turkey has enacted laws and regulations to promote workplace safety and prevent accidents. In-line with the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 6331 of 2012, employers are required to implement safety measures, provide training to their employees, and take all necessary precautions to reduce the risk of workplace accidents.
  2. Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases Insurance: Work accidents and occupational diseases insurance is a crucial component of Turkey’s social security system. Employers are mandated to provide work accidents and occupational diseases insurance for all of their employees. This insurance covers medical treatment expenses, disability benefits for those lost their earning capacity in their profession more than 10% due to work accident or occupational disease, and survivor’s benefits in case of a fatal accident.
  3. Medical Treatment: In the event of a work-related accident, injured employees are entitled to receive medical treatment at healthcare facilities affiliated with the Social Security Institution (SSI). The costs of medical treatment, surgery, medication, and rehabilitation are covered by the work accident insurance.
  4. Disability Benefits: If an employee is left with a disability as a result of a work accident, they may be eligible for disability benefits. The level of benefit is determined by the degree of loss of earning power in profession and can help the employee maintain their quality of life despite their impairment.
  5. Survivor’s Benefits: In the unfortunate event of a work-related fatality, the surviving family members, such as the spouse and children, are entitled to survivor’s benefits. This financial support aims to alleviate the financial burden that the family may face after the loss of their loved one.
  6. Rehabilitation Services: In cases of severe injuries, employees may require long-term rehabilitation services. These services, such as physical therapy and vocational training, are provided to help the employee reintegrate into the workforce or improve their quality of life.
  7. Legal Protection: Employees have the right to report workplace accidents and safety violations without fear of retaliation. Employers are prohibited from terminating or discriminating against employees who exercise their rights in this regard.
  8. Reporting and Claims: In the event of a work accident, it is crucial for employees to promptly report the incident to their employer and file a claim for work accident insurance benefits. Employers, in turn, are responsible for notifying the Social Security Institution and cooperating in the claims process.

Overall, Turkey’s social security system for work accidents is designed to protect the rights and well-being of employees who face unforeseen accidents in the workplace. The government has implemented measures to ensure that employees receive the necessary medical care, financial support, and rehabilitation services to aid in their recovery and reintegration into the workforce. These rights are essential in providing a safety net for workers and their families, offering peace of mind and security in times of crisis.

Bünyamin Esen

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