Social Security Rights of Apprentices and Trainees in Türkiye

September 14, 2024by Bünyamin Esen0

Apprenticeship and traineeship periods provide an important opportunity for young people to discover their professions, investigate into their affinities, show their potential and gain work experience. The apprenticeship system maintains its importance as an effective and participatory education model for individuals who aim to gain competence in a profession.

However, during these periods, issues such as individuals’ insurance status under social security and social insurance retirement premiums are generally not well known by the public.

This article discusses important information about apprenticeship in Türkiye and explains how the apprenticeship period is evaluated in terms of the Turkish social security and vocational training systems.

Who is an Apprentice?

The apprenticeship system is an educational model applied to individuals who are trained by a fully equipped master in a profession and who are provided with work discipline.

Apprenticeship provide an important opportunity for young people to decide on their professions, the expose their potential, be educated practically and gain professional experience.


How is Apprenticeship Training Provided?

The apprenticeship system, which individuals who want to acquire a profession apply to specialize in that profession, is shaped by practical training guided by a master. Apprenticeship is usually applied by candidates selected from individuals who have reached the age of 14. Apprentice candidates are included in the education process within the framework of the rules and conditions determined by the apprenticeship contract made between the employer and the apprentice or his/her legal guardian.

The apprenticeship process includes not only practical skills but also theoretical knowledge. In the Turkish system, going to vocational training centres once a week to take theoretical lessons is an important element in increasing the general knowledge level of apprentices. Vocational training contributes to apprentices’ understanding of both their profession and the general business world dynamics.

The apprenticeship system also includes a stage where the candidate apprentice is introduced to preliminary information. At this stage, individuals who are not yet 14 years old are called candidate apprentices. They are introduced to the workplace environment, the craft and profession to be performed, and they are prepared for future apprenticeship training.

The Vocational Education Law No. 3308 of Türkiye determines the minimum conditions in the apprenticeship process and regulates the minimum conditions of the contract between the apprentice and the master. This contract aims to protect the working conditions and the rights of the apprentice.


What is Apprenticeship Insurance and How is it Processed?

Social Insurance for Internship and Apprenticeship

The social insurance status of students who are interns or apprentices in businesses is subject to the provisions specified in the Vocational Education Law No. 3308 and in the Social Insurance and General Healthcare Insurance Code No. 5510. These individuals are provided with work accident, occupational disease and, within conditions, illnesses insurance. This insurance branches are amining to provide protection in case of possible work accidents or occupational illnesses and illnesses during the intern or apprentice’s working period.

The insurance status of students is evaluated within the scope of the service contract relationship bound to an employer and is subject to short-term social insurance branches. Therefore, premiums paid during the apprenticeship or internship period are not included the long-term insurance branches (disability, old age and death insurance). Therefore, premium days during the apprenticeship or internship period are not taken into account in retirement calculations according to the Turkish Public Retirement Schemes.


What are the Similarities and Differences Between Interns and Apprentices?

The similarities and differences between the concepts of apprentice, intern and worker are as follows:


  • Both workers, interns and apprentices are individuals who agree with the employer to perform a certain job in their business relationships.
  • Interns and apprentices generally gain practical experience in workplaces in order to receive vocational training while working.
  • Both workers, interns and apprentices must comply with occupational health and safety measures in the workplace where they work.


  • A worker is usually a person who is hired for a certain period of time with an employment contract and works for a certain wage.
  • A trainee is usually a student and does an internship in order to develop his/her knowledge and skills in the field in which he/she receives theoretical training.
  • An apprentice is a person who is trained by a master to specialize in a certain profession and works in the workplace under an apprenticeship contract.
  • All social insurance branches are being applied for a worker inwecluding the long-term social insurance branches (disability, old age and death insurance). However interns and apprentices are only within the scope of the short-term social insurance branches.
  • The rights and responsibilities of workers, interns and apprentices vary depending on their legal status. The Turkish Labour  Law and relevant regulations determine these differences and include special regulations for each status.


Date of Start of Social Insurance for Retirement

In retirement calculations, the start date of insurance is considered as the date the insured first starts working subject to long-term insurance branches (disability, old age and death insurance branches). In this regard, the premium days during the apprenticeship or internship period are not taken into account in retirement calculations according to the Turkish Public Pension Schemes.

For example, if a person started apprenticeship insurance on the date of January 1, 2000 and then started working under long-term insurance branches on the date of March 1, 2002, in this regard, the date of March 1, 2002 is considered as the start of social insurance in retirement calculations.


Effect of Internship Insurance on Retirement Calculations

Premiums paid during the internship period are only valid for work accident, occupational disease and illness insurance. These insurance premiums do not replace the long-term insurance premiums required for retirement.


Maternity Insurance and Internship

Women who gave birth after their internship or apprenticeship period must register in order to be able to apply for maternity service borrowing for retirement.

Intern or apprentice female students who have given birth after the apprenticeship or internship period are considered to have fulfilled the registration requirement in order to be able to apply for maternity debt. In this case, internship insurance can be taken into account in maternity service borrowing.

However, it is important to apply to the Social Security Institution for detailed information about maternity debt.


General Health Insurance of Apprentices and Interns

Individuals who are insured during the apprenticeship or internship period are covered by the General Healthcare Insurance of Türkiye, if they are not already covered from their parents. In addition, work accident and occupational disease insurance provisions are applied.

For these individuals, half of the gross minimum wage is taken as the basis for monthly premium-based earnings and a premium of 6% of the premium-based earnings is paid. 1% of this premium rate is short-term insurance branches and 5% is general health insurance premium.

Apprenticeship insurance ensures that apprentices and trainee students have health benefits and social security rights such as permanent incapacity allowance allocation in the event of a work accident. However, apprenticeship insurance does not apply to long-term insurance branches and is not included in the retirement premium days.


What are the Conditions for Hiring an Apprentice for Emplyoers?

The specific conditions that apply to individuals who want to become apprentices and the responsibilities of employers during the apprenticeship process are as follows within the legal framework:

1. Determination of the Correct Profession and Business Line: The apprenticeship process is valid in business lines in the relevant profession. The workplace must operate in a certain profession in order to correctly transfer practical training to the apprentice. Many professions have been determined to be suitable for this process within the scope of Law No. 3308.

2. Master Instructor Qualification: The master who will provide practical training to the apprentice in the workplace must have a certain level of competence. The employee who has a master instructor certificate can correctly transfer professional knowledge and skills to the apprentice.

3. Making a Written Contract & the Approval Process: The apprenticeship process begins with a contract between the parties in accordance with the procedure. This contract must be approved by the affiliated professional organization and the Vocational Training Center Directorate. The contract must include the rules applicable in the workplace and the rights of the apprentice.

4. Workplace Equipment and Hardware: The workplace must have all kinds of machines, tools, vehicles and equipment that the apprentice can use to develop his/her professional skills. The equipment of the workplace must provide a suitable environment for the apprentice to learn his/her art.

5.General Conditions for Apprenticeship: Candidates who want to become apprentices must be at least 14 years old and under 19 years old according to the Turkish vocational training legislation. They must be at least a primary school graduate and their physical structure and health must be suitable for practicing the profession. In addition, people over the age of 19 who have not received education before can be subject to apprenticeship training in vocational training programs appropriate to their age and level of education.


In summary, apprenticeship and internship periods are important for young people to get to know their professions and gain work experience.

The insurance status of students who spend their internship or apprenticeship periods in businesses in Türkiye is subject to the provisions specified in the Vocational Education Law No. 3308. These individuals are provided with occupational accident, occupational disease and sickness insurance.  This insurance aims to provide protection in case of possible accidents or illnesses during the working period of the trainee or apprentice.

However, the insurance premiums paid during this period are only valid for short-term social insurance branches. The premium days of the apprenticeeship or internship period are not taken into account in the calculation of retirement process in terms of the Turkish Public Retirement Schemes.

Bünyamin Esen

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