A compulsory public health insurance system called the General Healthcare Insurance has been implemented in Turkey nationwide. The General Healthcare Insurance refers to the compulsory insurance system that ensures that everyone can benefit from healthcare services free of charge (or with symbolic minimum contributions) throughout the country, and can enjoy healthcare services that are financed by the Social Security Institution (SSI).
The Turkish General Healthcare Insurance is based on the principle of residence and is provided regardless of the economic status of citizens and whether they are in the working life or not. In addition, legal foreign residents are also covered under the system.
Those who are not covered within the system as being a worker, a pensioner, or as a dependent are obliged to undergo an income test and to pay a monthly general healthcare insurance premium. If they are found not to be able to pay the premiums as a result of the income test, their premiums are paid by the state to the SSI. In other words, persons who do not receive healthcare services due to their own compulsory social insurance or through someone else are required to take the General Healthcare Insurance income test.
The General Health Insurance Income Test
An income test is conducted for those who are not in the status of being a general healthcare insured or dependent of the general healthcare insured, and for those whose general healthcare insurance or dependent status of the general healthcare insured has ended.
The first step in the income test is determining if the person is covered by the social security system. Once this is established, a decision is made on whether the person has sufficient income to pay the general healthcare insurance premiums. The test assesses the per capita income in the household by taking into account the incomes and expenses of family members, movable and immovable property.
According to the results of the income test, the premiums of individuals whose per capita income in the household is below 3,336.02 Turkish Liras for the calendar year of 2023 will be paid by the state to the Social Security Institution. These individuals automatically have the right to become a General Healthcare Insurance holder and benefit from publicly financed health services without paying premiums. (The per capita income limit applied in 2022 was 2,157 Turkish Liras).
General Health Insurance Monthly Premium Amount for the Year 2023
Individuals whose per capita income in the household is above the aforementioned limit are required to pay their own premiums. This is mandatory for those within the scope of the system.
The premiums for these individuals are 3% of the monthly national gross minimum wage. Since the monthly minimum wage applied in the calendar year of 2023 in Turkey is 10,8 Turkish Liras, the monthly General Health Insurance premium amount is 300.24 Turkish Liras per month. This is an increase of 106 Turkish Liras from the previous year’s premium amount of 194.13 Turkish Liras per month in 2022.
Foreigners living in Turkey with a residence permit are required to pay a monthly General Health Insurance premium of 12% of twice the minimum wage, which is 2,401.92 Turkish Liras for the calendar year of 2023. It should be noted that foreigners who are already working in the country, are subject to social insurance, and have a work permit do not need to take the general healthcare insurance income test and pay additional general healthcare insurance premiums. This is because their general healthcare insurance premiums are paid by their employers.
In summary, the monthly General Health Insurance premium amount is 300.24 Turkish Liras per month for the year 2023. According to the results of the income test, those whose per capita income in the household is below the limit will have their premiums paid by the state. Foreigners living in Turkey with a residence permit are also required to pay a monthly premium, while those with a work permit have their premiums paid by their employers.