In the Turkish Social Security system, some special rights have been provisioned to working mothers who care for their severely disabled children.
Within the scope of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, female insured women who request an old-age pension and have a severely disabled child who needs constant care of someone else will be entitled to one-fourth of the number of premium payment days after the date of 01.10.2008. These number of days are to be added to the total number of premium payment days for this mother.
In addition, one-fourth of the number of premium payment days that have passed since 1.10.2008, when the Law came into force, is deducted from the retirement age limits of female insured women who request an old-age pension and have a severely disabled child who needs constant care from someone else.
Additional premium payment days and reductions in retirement age are subject to the condition that the female insured certifies this situation. The existence of a severely disabled child who requires constant care from someone else will be documented with a medical board report, and this right will be given to female insured women for the periods after the effective date of the Law.
In case of death or no longer needing care of a severely disabled child, an addition to the number of premium payment days and a reduction from the retirement age are available for services from the effective date of the Law until the date of death or the date of the health board report where it is decided that the need for care has been eliminated.