The Turkish Employment Agency (AKA İŞKUR in Turkish) has many services for employees and employers. One of the service of the agency is employment support services for the Turkish employers. For this purpose, the agency assigns a Job and Vocational Counselor to each employer in Turkey.
Every Job and Vocational Counselor has an employer portfolio. Job and Vocational Counselors visit employers in their portfolios and assist them in informing them about the current regulations in the labor market, promoting İŞKUR services, receiving labor demand, and performing their İŞKUR-related jobs.
By meeting the demands of employers who need qualified personnel, they act as a bridge connecting the supply and demand aspects of the labor market. An important service is provided at the point of providing permanent employment by meeting the needs of employers.:
With the Human Resources (HR) Platforms created within the scope of Employer Consultancy, employers who are members of the platform; regular information is provided by using up-to-date communication channels such as e-mail and whatsapp groups. Through these communication channels, employers are able to deliver their questions, opinions and suggestions to our Institution faster and complete their transactions in a shorter time. It is aimed to inform employers about the use of labor, which is the most important production factor, and to increase operational efficiency, with the trainings and meetings held within the local workforce networks created within the scope of the platform.
Job and Vocational Counselors not only meet the current needs of employers, but also determine the professions they will need in the future and draw a roadmap for them.