

March 10, 2022

The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Presidency (KOSGEB) is one of the public institutions that provides important state supports and incentives according to Turkish legislation. KOSGEB supports SMEs in Turkey for their investment and improvement needs. There are supported sectors determined by KOSGEB. It is not possible to get support outside of these sectors. Candidates...

March 7, 2022

In cases where the workplace ownership changes, this should be declared to the Turkish Social Insurance Authority. In Article 29 of the Social Insurance Transactions Regulation, titled “Other documents to be submitted with the workplace declaration” the following clause is existing: (1) In the registration of workplaces that employ insurance holders within the scope of...

March 7, 2022

Trademark registration gives the owner a monopoly for the registered goods and services. Although this is the most well-known importance and benefit of trademark registration, there are many important rights provided by registering the trademark. Let’s take a look at them together: First of all, let’s remember what the brand means; “The trademark can be...

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