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August 5, 2021

Find out about some of the taxes paid by Turkish residents… Tax liability in Turkey depends on whether the tax authorities regard a person as being a Turkish resident. Foreigners are regarded as tax residents (vergi mükellefi) if they live in Turkey for more than six months per calendar year, or if they acquire legal residence...

August 5, 2021

The social security system in Turkey is predominantly similar to Bismarck model, one of four basic insurance systems which are Continental Model (Bismarck), Liberalistic Model (Beveridge), Northern European Model and Mediterranean Model. Bismarck Model refers to a system where the premiums paid over the wages of employees according to their insurance status are collected in...

August 5, 2021

Information on the social security system in Turkey with details on the welfare benefits available… The Ministry of Labour and Social Security (Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı) is responsible for employment and social security affairs in Turkey. In order to benefit from the Turkish Social Security System, residents in Turkey must enrol with the Turkish Social Security Fund (Sosyal...

August 4, 2021

Turkey’s developing economy offers lucrative investment opportunities in infrastructure across a wide variety of sectors including transportation, healthcare, and energy. According to the World Bank, Turkey ranks 3rd globally in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects, with a total contract value of USD 165 billion from 1990 to 2015. With a successful track record of over 220...

August 4, 2021

On 17 November 2020, Turkey enacted the Restructuring of Certain Public Claims and Amendment of Certain Laws Law No. 7256, which introduces new provisions for the restructuring of public claims and the asset-peace incentive, as well as introducing amendments to tax legislation and changes to social security incentives. Background Previously, we explained the provisions of...

August 4, 2021

  Social Security Institution has published the Communiqué numbered 2021/26 and dated 19.07.2021 regarding the premium debt inspection for the 5-point premium discount. Per the Communiqué, the below statements would be applicable for the 5-point premium discount: The authorities will check the outstanding social security premium debts, administrative fines, outstanding unemployment premium debts, outstanding late...

August 2, 2021

Converged Assessment Framework The Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) consists of a Data Collection Tool, verification methodology, and guidance documents. The CAF is publicly available on the SLCP Gateway. The Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) is a tool to measure working conditions in facilities developed by SLCP signatories. It consists of a Data Collection Tool, verification methodology,...

August 2, 2021

The Social & Labor Convergence Program offers the tools and system to measure working conditions in global supply chains. This multi-stakeholder initiative includes data sharing and replaces the need for repetitive social audits. What is the Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP)? SLCP is a multi-stakeholder initiative consisting of leading brands, manufacturers, civil society, audit firms...

May 21, 2021

The investment incentive system comprises 5 Investment Models, 2 Investment Programmes and 12 Incentive Elements. General incentive practices Regardless of the region, all projects that meet certain conditions and minimum fixed investment amounts are supported within the framework of General Incentives. Support elements of general incentives; VAT exemption Custom Duty exemption + RUSF+ Additional Customs...

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