Calculation of Annual Leave Rights of Employees

May 11, 2024by Bünyamin Esen0

The Turkish Labour Law has given the right for annual paid leave for workers within some certain conditions.

Although, as a general practice, leave periods are determined by individual or collective labour agreements, the Turkish Labour Law has determined a minimum level for annual leave periods that vary depending on the employee’s seniority and the job he/she performs. Even if leave periods lower than these minimum annual leave periods are determined in the contracts, these provisions are invalid against the mandatory provisions of the Labour Law.

Provisions regarding the use of the right to annual paid leave are regulated between the Articles 53 and the 61 of the Labour Code No. 4857.

Calculating Annual Leave Duration

According to Turkish Labour Law, annual paid leave varies depending on the employee’s working period at the workplace, the employee’s age and the job he does. The table below shows the minimum annual leave periods granted to workers within the scope of the Labour Law No. 4857:

Employee’s seniority in the workplace Minimum annual paid leave right
14 days from 1 year to 5 years (including 5 years) 14 days
More than 5 years Less than 15 years 20 days
15 years (inclusive) and more 26 days

The periods mentioned above are minimum and annual leave periods can be increased by an employment contract or collective bargaining agreement.

Annual paid leave periods for workers working in underground works are applied by increasing the periods in the table above by four days.

The annual paid leave period given to workers aged 18 and under and workers aged 50 and over cannot be less than twenty days.

Bünyamin Esen

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