Premium Incentive No. 06111 is Extended till 2025

February 4, 2024by Bünyamin Esen0

The Social Insurance Premium Incentive No. 06111, is one of the most important social insurance premium incentives applied in Turkey. The incentive has started to be implemented in the year 2011 in order to increase the participation and employment of women, youth and people with vocational training in the workforce, to encourage the creation of new employment, to encourage vocational and technical education, and to increase the employee’s quality and effectiveness. The incentive in question is implemented with the Provisional Article 10 added to the Act No. 4447 and with the Article 74 of the Act No. 6111 adopted on 13.02.2011.

With the Employment Incentive of Act No. 6111, private sector employers have been provided the opportunity to cover the entire insurance premium employer’s share calculated over their earnings based on insurance premiums for the insurance holders they hired between the dates of 01/03/2011 and 31/12/2023. The premiums calculated in this way will be covered by the Unemployment Insurance Fund of Republic of Turkey.

The implementation period of the Employment Incentive of the Act No. 6111 has been extended until 31/12/2025 with the Act No. 7495 on Amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Law and Certain Laws. In addition, the President of the Republic of Turkey is legally authorised to extend the implementation till the date of 31/12/2026, which ought to be used by a Presidential Decree.

Thus, the period of benefiting from the Employment Incentive of the Act No. 6111 has been extended for two years, with an additional one year extension high probability, until the last day of the calendar year of 2026.

Bünyamin Esen

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