Short-term Social Insurance Branches in Turkey

October 3, 2023by Bünyamin Esen0

Social security systems play a crucial role in safeguarding the economic and social well-being of individuals in a society. In Turkey, the Social Insurance and General Healthcare Insurance Code No. 5510 has established a comprehensive framework to ensure the protection of citizens against various risks and contingencies.

One essential component of this framework is the inclusion of short-term insurance branches. These branches provide immediate relief and support to individuals facing temporary challenges or crises. This essay will delve into the short-term insurance branches in Turkish Social Security Law, exploring their significance and impact on the country’s social security system.


Definition of Short-Term Insurance Branches

Short-term insurance branches, also known as short-term social security benefits, encompass a range of provisions within the Turkish Social Security Law designed to address temporary needs and contingencies. These branches offer financial assistance and support to individuals facing short-lived challenges that may disrupt their ability to maintain their standard of living. The key short-term insurance branches in Turkish social security law include sickness, maternity, and work-related accident and occupational disease branches.


  1. Sickness Social Insurance Branch

The sickness branch of Turkish Social Security Law ensures that individuals who are temporarily unable to work due to illness receive compensation for their loss of income. It provides coverage for the medical treatment expenses, as well as a daily cash benefit during the period of incapacity. This branch is vital in ensuring that employees are not burdened with the financial consequences of illness, allowing them to focus on recovery without jeopardizing their financial stability. Short-term incapacity allowance is being paid from this social insurance branch, as to start from the third day of the sickness (the first two days are not covered).

  1. Maternity Social Insurance Branch

The maternity branch is another crucial component of short-term insurance in Turkey. It provides support to working women during pregnancy and childbirth. Maternity benefits include both cash payments and coverage for medical expenses related to pregnancy and childbirth. By offering these benefits, the Turkish Social Security Law promotes the health and well-being of mothers and their newborns, ensuring a smoother transition into motherhood.


  1. Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases Social Insurance Branch

Work-related accidents and occupational diseases can have a profound impact on individuals’ lives, often leading to temporary disability or health issues. The work-related accident and occupational disease branch of Turkish Social Security Law offers compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation, and daily cash benefits to employees who suffer injuries or diseases in the course of their employment. Permanent incapacity benefit shall be paid to the insured in case he/she has lost earning power in his/her job 10 percent or more due to work accident or occupational disease. This social insurance branch plays a critical role in promoting workplace safety and protecting the livelihoods of workers.


Significance and Impact of Short-term Insurance Branches

The short-term insurance branches in Turkish Social Security Law are of paramount importance for several reasons:

  1. Social Inclusion: These branches promote social inclusion by ensuring that individuals facing temporary crises do not fall into poverty or destitution. By providing financial support during times of need, they contribute to a more equitable and just society.
  2. Health and Well-being: The short-term insurance branches prioritize the health and well-being of individuals, particularly vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and those injured at work. This focus on health helps reduce the burden on the healthcare system and enhances overall public health.
  3. Economic Stability: By offering short-term financial assistance, these branches help maintain economic stability for affected individuals and their families. This, in turn, supports the overall economic resilience of the nation.
  4. Workplace Safety: The work-related accident and occupational disease branch incentivize employers to prioritize workplace safety, reducing the number of accidents and diseases on the job.


In conclusion, the short-term insurance branches within Turkish Social Security Law are essential components of the nation’s social security system. They offer critical support to individuals facing temporary challenges, ensuring that their health, well-being, and economic stability are preserved. By addressing issues related to sickness, maternity, and workplace injuries, these branches contribute to a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous society in Turkey. They underscore the importance of social security in protecting the rights and dignity of all citizens.

Bünyamin Esen

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