Social Insurance for Work Accidents in Turkey

October 6, 2023by Bünyamin Esen0

Workplace accidents are an unfortunate reality in any nation’s labour force. Turkey, a country with a burgeoning workforce and a rapidly expanding economy, has taken significant steps to protect its workers against the unwanted results of work accidents through the Work Accidents Social Insurance Branch. This branch, operated under the auspices of the Turkish Social Security Institution (SGK), plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and well-being of Turkish employees after they encountered with such unwanted instances.


The Purpose of the Work Accidents Social Insurance Branch

The Work Accidents Social Insurance Branch is primarily responsible for providing financial support and medical assistance to employees who suffer work-related accidents or occupational illnesses. Its key objectives include:

  1. Coverage for All Workers: This branch ensures that all employees, whether in the formal or informal sector, have access to social insurance coverage in the event of work-related accidents or occupational diseases.
  2. Medical Care: It offers immediate medical treatment to injured workers, ensuring that they receive the best possible care to aid in their recovery.
  3. Income Replacement: In cases where work-related accidents result in temporary or permanent disability, the branch provides income replacement benefits to affected workers to help them maintain their livelihoods. The permanent or temporary incapacity benefit is being given as to start from the first day of the incapacity due to work-related accident or occupational disease.
  4. Rehabilitation Services: The branch also facilitates rehabilitation services to help injured employees reintegrate into the workforce, promoting their physical and mental well-being.

Funding the Work Accidents Social Insurance Branch

The funding for this branch primarily comes from employer contributions. Employers are required by Social Insurance and General Healthcare Insurance Code No. 5510 to provide insurance coverage for their employees against work-related accidents.The contribution amounts are fixed at 2 percent of the earning of the employee subjected to social insurance. The contribution amont is not changing based on the risk level associated with the specific industry and the number of employees. This system ensures that the burden of workplace safety is shared among employers, and it encourages them to invest in safer working environments and to ensure occupational health and safety in the enterprises.


Key Benefits for Turkish Workers

The Work Accidents Social Insurance Branch provides invaluable benefits to Turkish workers, which include:

  1. Financial Security: Employees can have peace of mind, knowing that they will receive financial support if they are unable to work due to a work-related accident or illness temporarily or permanently.
  2. Timely Medical Care: Immediate access to medical treatment ensures that injured workers receive prompt care, increasing the chances of a full recovery.
  3. Rehabilitation Support: For those who require it, rehabilitation services help workers regain their abilities and return to the workforce.


In conclusion, Turkey’s Work Accidents Social Insurance Branch is a crucial component of the country’s social security system, providing much-needed support to workers who suffer work-related accidents or illnesses. By offering financial assistance, medical care, and rehabilitation services, this branch not only safeguards the well-being of Turkish employees but also promotes a culture of workplace safety. As Turkey continues to grow economically, the work of this branch becomes even more critical in ensuring that the country’s workforce is protected and cared for in times of need.

Bünyamin Esen

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